The Die is Cast

Featured Poem

I feel I am becoming mentally paralysed; worn into a state of non-creativity by the constant wash of bad news.  There is the terrible war in Ukraine, cost of living, energy prices, and we live in a country whose government is led by a compulsive liar who brings dishonour upon our communal sense of democracy and decency.  So perhaps I should be representing this in my writing?

Instead, I have moved in the opposite direction.  The Die is Cast is a kind of fantasy poem, though rooted firmly in New Street, the main street in the centre of Birmingham.

It appears on the face of it to be a slight poem; and indeed it may be one.  There are certain structural elements which aim to strengthen its claim to be a poem.  It’s a rather quiet poem, unassuming.

Yet I would claim there is a Big Idea behind the poem, all things we write must be built on a Big Idea.  It’s about the conflict between living joyfully and the inability of some to see that possibility.  Or about joy being undermined by malevolent powers which could just possibly mean I am reflecting the world around us.



Life has been a bit hectic this month; reading has suffered.  However, I am on the third of the Nick Herron Slow Horsesnovels.  And enjoying it very much.  I shall move on to something different after this one; but shall certainly return to others in the series.



Tom, the composer I’m working with on our Music Play, has just completed drafts of two extremely difficult solo songs.  They both present moments of significant change for each  character involved.  A lot of rewriting of lyrics; hard work but enjoyable.  And the results are amazing.


I’ve also just about completed a large set of poems which collectively tell a personal story, covering a period of transition.  Not saying too much about them at this point; I am just about to road-test them.


Drawn up lines


Why bother being a Poet?