Queer Meeting

Featured Poem

I had not thought to include this this poem (Queer Meeting) on my website; it is intensely personal though also meant for public consumption; I hope it speaks beyond me. It was written just after my partner suddenly died; I was at his hospital bedside as he slipped peacefully away. I’ll talk a bit about the poem later; I include it this month as a political act.

George Galloway, MP, has just stated that gay people should be respected but that we are not normal. That gay relationships should not be treated as equal to heterosexual ones, because they are not normal. So, I include the poem because I have the word Queer in it and it has a homosexual relationship at its core, possibly a futile gesture, but at least it is a gesture. So, I call upon all people who think gay people are normal to dissuade anyone thinking of supporting George Galloway or political candidates endorsed by him, to think again.

As for the poem…It is a queer response to the poem Schubert set, Death and the Maiden. Death (who is male) is seeking, here to bring peace to his forthcoming lover. You’ll notice he (Death) frequently uses ‘man’ and ‘love’ bringing the words together at the end.

I use repetitions to give a feeling of prayer or incantation; a feeling of mystery.

Death also recognises how frightening he will be to those he comes for and goes to great lengths to reassure the other person. Including assuring them the fearful notions suggested by literature and art are not true.

Many of the images are deliberately and overtly sexual, or perhaps, better, sensual. I am trying to draw attention to the queerness. After all gay people die too; in that respect at least, Mr Galloway, we are normal.


I have continued to write poems. I seem to be moving through a cynical patch. Though some are more mysterious that cynical. Some people find it difficult to take them as serious poems because I frequently use humour to make my points. Too late for me to change now.


Fortune Teller


Gifts Of Love