Universe in an acorn

Featured Poem

It seems to me the news goes on getting worse and worse.  And as I write we have recently been through four storms; flooding and loss of life are immediate and terrible.  But one of the other things that affect us are the loss of trees.

Trees are beautiful; often ancient, stately, calming.  They are also vital to our wellbeing and the health of our world.

I have three poems, quite different from each other, about oak trees.  This month’s Featured Poem is one of them.  In this poem, Universe in an Acorn, the poet remembers an old saying: The universe exists in an acorn.  However, the poet does not seem to quite get the point – read into that what you will.  While ironic, I hope it raises a warm smile.



Most recently I’ve read J B Priestley’s The Doomsday Men.  I much enjoyed it, though it did seem a little rushed.  A friend recommends June 31st and Low Notes from High Places.  I have also just read the Forward book of poems from 2020; these books are always excellent and wide-ranging collections.


Recent Work

I am in the middle of going through a huge change in my life; something I may write about later (it is a positive change.)  So difficult to find real creative space.  I have been editing poems, and working with the composer of my Music Play to rewrite the lyrics of one of the protagonist’s big songs.  It has to clearly outline a major shift in his life objective.  Hard to get right but important – both for the drama and for the actor.  It is a big solo moment for him.  And crucial moment for the audience.


Final Thoughts

Not long now till the change of clocks.  Spring and summer are on the way.  Tuesday poems continue, as do hints on Instagram.  Happy writing.




Identity and memories