City River

Featured Poem

This month’s poem is a great contrast to last month’s. City River takes the form of a older style of writing, four line stanzas. And I attempt to follow the style of great poems of nature subjects. But City River subverts the style.

This is not a poem of the joy of nature, but of nature imprisoned and unloved. Nature which fights a seemingly losing battle with urban existence.

But the poet is also fighting against this negativity; the poet says: ‘You are not entirely unloved, I will glorify you in my own small way.’

I hope the reader feels invited to see the poem as a metaphor for our modern urban living, too.


I have continued to write poems, some coming ‘out of nowhere’ as the result of own-set exercises; some from workshops.

I have now signed off the Arts Council General Guidance project; two documents I created on the way (Working as a VI Poet and Working as a VI director) are both available, free of charge, from my website. I am hoping to take the theatre presentation element, now called All Change, forward into eventual rehearsal and public performances.


Gifts Of Love


Unwanted Words