Rod Dungate is a Playwright, Poet and Director.

His plays have been performed across the UK and on Radio 4. Poetry has been published in a variety of magazines; he also performs his poetry. Examples of the are on YouTube. Feel free to explore is blog - a collection of thoughts and works in progress. In 1992 his Playing by the Rules was awarded the Mentorn TV Best New Play Award, and was produced in the US and published by Methuen in Gay Plays 5. Rod is editor of, a performance review site he created in 2001.  He is also the Artistic Director of DD Arts Birmingham Ltd. 

Rod has taught widely, working with all ages from 5 years upwards. At university level he works with under-graduates and post graduates; he is a Senior Fellow Advance (HE). Rod leads workshops on both poetry and play writing; he is experienced with one-to-one tuition.

Rod argues there should be no value difference between high art and popular art; That this is a false distinction. But he believes there is a difference between good art and poor art. He also believes all art is, one way or another, political. While artists must work within the law, he says artists must challenge received wisdoms. ‘Causing offence,’ he says, ’is valueless criticism; to cause offence is one of the tools in an artist’s toolbox.’

Rod has worked for a life-time in his creative areas. He continues to do this, now, as a person living with severe vision impairment. ‘I have no intention of letting this get in the way,’ he states.

One-to-ones I offer one-to-one tuition at competitive rates. 

Tuition can either take place at my home in central Birmingham, UK, or via Zoom.